"Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows."

The infinite power within this simple phrase

“Where attention goes, energy flows.”

This, like many other quotes and phrases, has lost its efficacy in a lot of circles because so many repeat this phrase without intention or understanding of its true meaning.

The best way to explain this saying is via an example:

Let’s say someone said something very rude to you. After the incident, you’re stewing in your mind. You’re thinking: “I have the right to be angry!” “I’m going to get them back!” “F*** them!”

All of your attention is going towards this situation, and you’re now full of anger and resentment.

Now that you’re feeling anger and resentment, these feelings direct all of the infinite universal energy at your disposal towards this situation. You’re now vibrating on the frequency of ‘people saying very rude things to you!’

You have to understand that, as creative beings, we are one with the universe. The universal energy that created the sun and the moon and the stars also courses within and through us, and we channel this energy via the power of our thoughts and feelings - whether we are aware of it or not! We are infinitely capable creators because of our truly inseparable connection to the universe and its limitless power.

Now that you’re vibrating on the frequency of ‘people saying very rude things to you,’ watch as you now attract like situations to your life, over and over and over again until you change your thoughts and feelings and thus your energy and frequency. Remember, ‘like attracts like!’

Now, how do I use this principle as my superpower?

When dealing with negative, low-frequency, and unproductive thinking, your responsibility is to gently reorient your mind and thoughts to positive, high-frequency, and productive thoughts.


  • Go to your affirmations: Your affirmations need to cause a visceral reaction within you, they should make you feel incredibly good, positive, excited, loving, altruistic, etc.

    • A good affirmation consists of: (1) A powerful statement in an “I am…” format, (2) A clear visual, ex. an image of you walking around in your future home, and (3) an associated positive emotion

  • Everything is a lesson: Everything truly is a lesson. Flip the script on the situation and look for the ways in which this experience makes you greater and takes you closer to all of your goals.

    • Experience gratitude for the situation: “I am so glad that this situation has taught me to be more resilient and equanimous in adverse situations.”

  • Be understanding and empathetic: Be empathetic towards yourself and also the person in this situation. This is incredibly powerful.

    • Instead of feeling resentment and anger towards this person, have empathy for them. There’s a reason why they’re acting this way, and it’s NOT YOU. Remember, nothing is personal, everyone always acts from the place of their internal state.

    • Feel love for them, feel empathy for them, human being to human being, soul to soul. Send them a prayer, wishing them well with genuine and pure intention. And while you’re at it, send one to yourself. This is, again, INCREDIBLY powerful.

Keep killing it guys, talk soon!
